Wengé / Royal pieces

14752 MDL


10904 + 10140
Materials used:

Tournament e-Boards are used at Chess Olympiads, World Chess Championships and all major chess tournaments around the world to show the games live as they happen. Also many smaller tournaments use the boards to show games live on their tournament website.

Showing live games attracts more visitors to your website and makes it easier to find sponsors.

Free DGT LiveChess software is used to manage the e-Boards and arrange the live transmission of games in real time via the internet or on screens at the playing venue.

Serial Tournament e-Boards are standard supplied in a custom made e-Board Storage Bag.

The difference between USB-, and Bluetooth e-Boards and DGT Serial Tournament e-Boards, is that the tournament boards can be connected together in large quantities in a serial network for a tournament set-up. They connect to the computer through cables or by using the wireless DGT Caïssa System.

When using cable connections, strings of serial e-Boards are connected to the serial port of the computer (or to a USB port using the Serial-to-USB Converter Cable that is included with the connection materials). Contrary to USB- and Bluetooth boards the serial board are not meant for individual use.

Serial e-Boards are available in Walnut, Rosewood or Wengé. All DGT electronic chess pieces sets are compatible. Walnut e-Boards do not have letters and numbers (indices) along the edge of the board. Only the Rosewood and Wengé e-Boards have these indices.

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